LESSON 10 – Social Media Competitions

maximising the impact of tattoo ninja on your business

Lesson 1 – Welcome & Tattoo Ninja Overview

An introduction to Tattoo Ninja and brief walkthrough of the features & functionality

Lesson 2 – Connecting your business

How to connect your website, social media, emails & payments to Tattoo Ninja

Lesson 3 – Contacts & Conversations

How to create & manage contacts, and see all of your messages in one place

Lesson 4 – forms

how to create & edit forms

Lesson 5 – Email Templates

how to create visually beautiful email templates, for marketing campaigns & automatins

Lesson 6 – Social Media Scheduling

how to create and manage posts across your social media channels

Lesson 7 – opportunities & appointments

how to manage your current tattoo consultations, appointments & aftercare

Lesson 8 – calendars

how to navigate your calendars and add appointments manually

Lesson 9 – automations

how to put your business on autopilot & save time with automations

Lesson 10 – competitions

how to correctly run social media competitions using tattoo ninja

Lesson 11 – conclusion

how to navigate your calendars and add appointments manually